If you require, simply ask us for free installation support.
  1. Log into Customer Area with your credentials and navigate to My Products & Licenses.
  2. Set your website on which you are going to use the script by clicking Modify button.
  3. Download the Product and extract it on your Computer.
  4. Upload all extracted files except /extra_data/ directory and /readme.html file into your hosting.
  5. Create a New Database on your hosting.
  6. Import three .sql files located inside /extra_data/DB/ on your database using MySQL Administration tool like phpMyAdmin.
  7. Rename the sample configuration file located at /inc/app.config.php.sample to /inc/app.config.php, open that file and add/modify values of Database Connection Details. Optionally, if you are installing the script in a sub-directory, then modify the value of APP_BASE_URI to reflect your sub-directory.
  8. Open the file located at /robots.txt and modify http://www.mydomain.com/ to the correct one. That new value will be something like http://YOUR-INSTALLATION-URL/sitemap and http://YOUR-INSTALLATION-URL/sitemap-keyword.
  9. GREAT! You just installed the script. See Minimum Configuration for CuteStat Lite to configure your installation.
Four directories /cs_tmp/, /cs_tmp/cache/, /cs_tmp/compile/ and /cs_tmp/uploads/ requires writable permission and on some hosting you need to manually modify the permission.
Legal Information and Your Rights
System Requirements
Installing CuteStat Lite
Minimum Configuration for CuteStat Lite
How to remove Prefix from Stat URL
How to get an API Key from WOT (Web of Trust)
How to change the text "Rating by CuteStatLite"
I keep getting License Error Message
How to Modify Template or Texts
How does the Sitemap Works
How to Activate CRON Job Feature
How to Activate Twitter Automation
How to Block Unsafe or Unwanted Data
How to Enable CDN (Content Delivery Network) for the Script
How to add Google Analytics Code
Switching to PHP 5.3 on HostGator Shared Hosting
Changing Favicon Provider
Removing Powered by Text and Backlink
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