
An independent clothing brand dedicated to the plight of the authentic selves.

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Life Rescripted


Between a traumatic experience and what we decide it means about us, there is a space. Life Rescripted is a way to re-enter that space and experience the truth.

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Life Rescripted


Between a traumatic experience and what we decide it means about us, there is a space. Life Rescripted is a way to re-enter that space and experience the truth.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

A WordPress Site | Just another WordPress site


Take a moment, right now. Think back to when you were a child. What dreams did you have about the life you would lead when you were “all grown up”? Did

Not Applicable $ 8.95

my Self Esteem


Importance of self-concept Importance of self-esteem Self-concept vs self-esteem What is self-esteem What is self-concept Self-concept theory Image

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Pedro Magalhães | fotógrafo de casamentos, eventos e retratista


Considerado um dos melhores fotógrafos da Bahia, Pedro Magalhães é fotógrafo de casamentos, eventos e retratista especializado em ensaios femininos e posicionamento de imagem em Poções, Vitória da Conquista e região BA; cria ensaios que deixa a mulher com alto estima e trás significado que ela quer para marcar aquele m

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