Reagents For the Life Sciences Industry | NEB


NEB is a leader in the discovery and development of molecular biology reagents. Restriction enzymes, polymerases, competent cells,sample prep for NGS, and more.

38,036 $ 382,320.00

USA ::


Anton Paar GmbH produces high-quality measuring and analysis instruments for research and industry.

75,814 $ 191,520.00

Microwave systems for digestion, extraction, synthesis, ashing, mercur


Milestone Srl is the worldwide leader manufacturing microwave instruments for sample preparation: microwave digestion, microwave extraction, microwave ashing, quartz sub-boiling distillation systems, microwave synthesis, and mercury analyzers.

3,733,383 $ 240.00

Home ::


Anton Paar GmbH produces high-quality measuring and analysis instruments for research and industry.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Buehler - Metallography Equipment & Supplies for Sample Preparation


Buehler is a premier manufacturer of metallography equipment for material preparation, testing and analysis. We supply instruments and consumables for laboratory sample preparation and testing.

472,419 $ 8,640.00



SCP SCIENCE manufactures supplies and standards for ICP, AA, and XRF analysis plus sample preparation systems including Graphite Block and Microwave Digestion systems. Our Environmental Robotic Analyzers include BOD, COD and TitrEC a pH, EC, Alkalinity Analyzer.

3,725,975 $ 240.00

Home ::


Anton Paar GmbH produces high-quality measuring and analysis instruments for research and industry.

Not Applicable $ 8.95




16,588,042 $ 8.95

Stepbio - Consumabili e strumenti per analisi farmaceutiche, analisi a


STEPBIO - distribuisce consumabili e strumenti per analisi tossicologiche, ambientali, alimentari e farmaceutiche oltre a tecniche preparative in biochimica e cromatografia preparativa su scala laboratorio e industriale. Siamo specializzati nella distribuzione di prodotti e strumentazioni per lo sviluppo delle reazioni

Not Applicable $ 8.95



Starting from synthesizing silica gel materials,Bonna- Agela is a global company focusing on sample preparation and purification. We provide top-quality products including bulk materials, HPLC columns, and SPE cartridges and plates to scientists worldwide who conduct drug discovery research, food and environmental test

10,947,407 $ 8.95

GenUs BioSystems - MicroArray Services


GenUs BioSystems is a microarray services laboratory. We perform all aspects of microarray experimentation, including sample preparation,microarrays, and data analysis.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Chrysalis Scientific Technologies Inc.


Chrysalis Scientific Technologies provides advanced products to help laboratories be more successful. Products include superior gas generators, a new generation of sample phase extraction technology, and rapid microbiology testing equipment and technologies.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

UK Biocentre


UK Biocentre - the centre for biomedical services

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Ample Scientific, Nexcope, Tucsen Laboratory Equipments Head Quarter.


OnFocus Laboratory Equipment: we offer broad array of microscopes and centrifuges for clinical laboratories, classroom and research laboratories

17,982,672 $ 8.95

Home ::


Anton Paar GmbH produces high-quality measuring and analysis instruments for research and industry.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Laserchrom HPLC Laboratories Ltd - Everything for Succesful HPLC


Low cost, high quality HPLC Equipment, HPLC training, HPLC solvents, HPLC columns, HPLC accessories, fast delivery from stock.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Tablet & Capsule Pharmaceutical Testing Solutions | SOTAX


Pioneering and automating high-quality pharmaceutical testing solutions for dissolution, disintegration, hardness and other physical tests of tablets.

3,950,899 $ 240.00

Soluciones para la preparación de materiales, ensayos y análisis - Bue


Buehler es líder mundial en soluciones para la preparación, pruebas y análisis de materiales, equipos metalográficos, dedicados al conocimiento, soporte y servi

7,048,593 $ 240.00

Валерус. Всичко за вашата лаборатория !!!


Търговия с лабораторни реактиви и химикали, лабораторна стъклария, пластмасова посуда и апаратура. Консумативи за течна и газова хроматография. Представителство на Labscan Ltd, BOECO CO GmbH, HANNA instruments, Macherey-Nagel, PoCH, KARTELL, Technische Glaswerke, Chromservis, RADWAG, AREOMETR, CISA, Draminski Elektroni

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Tablet & Capsule Pharmaceutical Testing Solutions | SOTAX


Pioneering and automating high-quality pharmaceutical testing solutions for dissolution, disintegration, hardness and other physical tests of tablets.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Reagents For the Life Sciences Industry | NEB


NEB is a leader in the discovery and development of molecular biology reagents. Restriction enzymes, polymerases, competent cells,sample prep for NGS, and more.

Not Applicable $ 8.95