Taleo | Oracle

- taleo.com

Oracle Taleo Cloud enables enterprises and midsize businesses to recruit top performers with the right cloud talent skills.

3,727,372 $ 240.00

Oracle and Sun Microsystems | Strategic Acquisitions | Oracle

- sun.com

Since Oracle acquired Sun in 2010, Oracle's hardware and software engineers have worked side-by-side to build fully integrated systems and optimized solutions.

86,579 $ 167,760.00

Oracle | Integrated Cloud Applications and Platform Services

- javasoft.com

Oracle offers a comprehensive and fully integrated stack of cloud applications and platform services.

Not Applicable $ 8.95


- teymi.is

Advania er alhliða hugbúnaðarfyrirtæki sem veitir samþættar lausnir á öllum sviðum upplýsingatækni. Rekstrarþjónusta, hýsing, ráðgjöf, vélbúnaðarlausnir, staðlaðar og sérsmíðaðar hugbúnaðarlausnir allt á einum stað. Advania er samstarfsaðili Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, BusinessObjects, Targit, TrendMicro og VeriSign.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

پرتال شرکت مدار گسترش - تولید کننده کلان سیستم ها

- itorbit.net

مدارگسترش فناوری اطلاعات عضو هلدینگ نفیس ، پیشرو در ارائه راه حل های جامع سازمانی مبتنی بر نرم افزار و نرم افزارهای سفارش مشتری مبتنی بر فرآیندهای کسب و کار - BPMS

1,825,390 $ 720.00

CRM and Sales Force Automation: Research - Enterprise Apps Today

- crm2day.com

Technology research on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and sales force automation software and solutions.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Enterprise Apps Today | CRM, business intelligence and ERP news and re

- ecrmguide.com

News and research on CRM, business intelligence, ERP, supply chain management and other enterprise applications.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Planet Source Code home page

- planetsourcecode.com

Need programming help? We've got your covered. 14.2 million lines of source code examples to build from.4.2 thousand tutorials and articles to learn from.Discussion boards, coding contests with prizes, and 2 thousand open programming jobs.

410,254 $ 10,080.00

Enterprise Apps Today | CRM, business intelligence and ERP news and re

- enterpriseappstoday.com

News and research on CRM, business intelligence, ERP, supply chain management and other enterprise applications.

1,247,107 $ 960.00


- everis.es
Not Applicable $ 8.95

360-Degree Focus on Finance-IT-Risk Management Research Centers (tm),

- brint.com

360-Degree Focus on Finance-IT-Risk Management Research, Financial Intelligence Research Reports on Everything You Need to Know from FinRM Global RISK Management Network, Financial Risk Management, Systemic Risk Management, Enterprise Risk Management, Operational Risk Management

2,737,979 $ 480.00

ASFOR - Associazione Italiana per la Formazione Manageriale

- asfor.it

ASFOR - Associazione Italiana per la Formazione Manageriale

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Oracle and Datalogix

- datalogix.com

Oracle announced that it has signed an agreement to acquire Datalogix to extend Oracle Data Cloud with industry-leading solutions for data-driven marketing to inform and measure cross-channel digital marketing.

1,176,922 $ 960.00

Oracle Россия и СНГ | Integrated Cloud Applications and Platform Servi

- sun.ru

Oracle предоставляет наиболее полный интегрированный комплекс облачных решений и предложений «Платформа как услуга».

Not Applicable $ 8.95

İnnova | Uçtan uca kurumsal bilişim çözümleri

- innova.com.tr

Sistem entegratörü kimliği ve 700 kişilik mühendis kadrosuyla İnnova; altyapı, yazılım geliştirme ve danışmanlık konularında uçtan uca bilişim çözümleri...

419,158 $ 5,400.00

Oracle | Integrated Cloud Applications and Platform Services

- nebula.com

Oracle offers a comprehensive and fully integrated stack of cloud applications and platform services.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Wortal / Home - php.pl

- php.pl

php.pl polskie centrum informacji o PHP.

180,701 $ 66,600.00

NIT - New Internet Technologies, ERP, CRM, Software - start

- nitbg.com

НИТ - Нови Интернет Технологии ООД,ERP, CRM, software, linux software,software,software development, application, applications, app, e-catalog, e-commerce, web, design, open source, cms, content, management, system, JAVA, Oracle, engineer, уебдизайн, фирмени сайтове, сайтове, малък сайт, портал, интернет, реклама, уеб

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Planet Source Code home page

- planet-source-code.com

Need programming help? We've got your covered. 14.2 million lines of source code examples to build from.4.2 thousand tutorials and articles to learn from.Discussion boards, coding contests with prizes, and 2 thousand open programming jobs.

107,579 $ 111,600.00

Oracle and FatWire

- fatwire.com

Oracle has acquired FatWire Software (FatWire), a leading provider of web experience management solutions. FatWire's solutions are designed for business users with easy-to-use tools, enabling marketers to optimize the online experience for customers. The proposed acquisition of FatWire supports Oracle's strategy to pro

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Enterprise Apps Today | CRM, business intelligence and ERP news and re

- aspnews.com

News and research on CRM, business intelligence, ERP, supply chain management and other enterprise applications.

Not Applicable $ 8.95