Geeak e.V. - Studiengruppe für Spiritismus in München, Deutschland


Der Geeak e.V. - Spiritistische Studiengruppe Allan Kardec in München, Deutschland, praktiziert den christlich-spiritistischen Glauben durch Brüderlichkeit, Gebet und das gemeinsame Studium der Philosophie des Spiritismus nach Allan Kardec.

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We are a brand new small study group and get together to study and discuss books about: spirituality, reincarnation, immortality of the soul, nature of spirits and their interactions with humankind, moral laws, present life, future life, fate of humanity, life after life, life before and between life, life in the spiri

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Livro dos Espíritos Online


O Livro dos Espíritos é uma obra que contém os princípios da Doutrina Espírita sobre a imortalidade da alma, a natureza dos espíritos e suas relações com os homens, as leis morais, a vida presente, a vida futura e o porvir da humanidade.

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