Liliana Porter


With enchanting incongruity, Liliana Porter's work playfully subverts convention, disrupts time, and messes with reality. Using a wide range of media, Porter mixes the absurd with the philosophical, creating extraordinary situations that lure us unwittingly into the realm of her idiosyncratic cast of characters.

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Goya Contemporary . Goya - Girl Press


Contemporary fine art prints and workshop, art gallery

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Goya Contemporary . Goya - Girl Press


Contemporary fine art prints and workshop, art gallery

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Keystone Editions Berlin Contemporary Printmaking - Lithography - Home


Keystone Editions is a workshop for original printmaking in Berlin, run by Sarah Dudley and Ulrich Kuehle, master printers trained at Tamarind Institute. We collaborate with artists such as William Kentridge, Arturo Herrera and Jim Dine to make prints in lithography, etching, woodcut, linocut and monotype and we also o

Not Applicable $ 8.95