RANA | Institute of Higher Studies

- rihs.edu.af

We Nurture Afghan Talents

4,757,252 $ 240.00

طراحی وب سایت|Afghan jaal | افغان جال بهترین خدمات نشراتی | شرکت پویا

- poyasazan.asia

افغان جال , شرکت پویا سازان که یکی از پیشرفته ترین شرکتهای نشراتی است که در افغانستان رسما فعالیت مینمایند و اهداف این شرکت را بالابردن سطح سواد و فکر مردم افغانستان تشکیل میدهد.و تاحالا صادقانه در این عرصه فعالیت نموده است. و خواهد کرد یکی از اهداف این شرکت خود باوری و خود باروری میباشد که این دو سر اغاز یک جامعه سالم

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Fariba Nawa

- faribanawa.com

Fariba Nawa, an award-winning Afghan-American journalist, covers a range of issues and specializes in immigrant and Muslim communities in the United States and abroad. She is a correspondent based in the San Francisco Bay Area but frequently travels to the Middle East and South Asia. She lived and reported from Afghani

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Gandamack Lodge, Kabul-Afghanistan

- gandamacklodge.co.uk

Enjoy the splendour of Gandamack Lodge, Flashman’s Restaurant and the Hare and Hound Watering Hole

Not Applicable $ 8.95

PARSA | Discovering the Afghan Spirit

- afghanistan-parsa.org

Founded in 1996, PARSA is an NGO that helps disadvantaged women and children of Afghanistan.

19,566,516 $ 8.95

áÆÇÁÎÓËÁÑ ×ÏÊÎÁ 1979-1989. áÆÇÁÎÉÓÔÁÎ. Afghanwar 1979-1989. óÅÒ×ÅÒ ÄÌÑ

- afgan.ru

This site contains materials related to the Afghan War 1979 -1989.

1,294,171 $ 960.00


- kabultec.org

Afghan Women & Education is a website dedicated to the women of Afghanistan. Mrs. Nasrene Gross has writen a book that documents the lives of many of the women who attended Malalay High School, the first girls high school in Afghanistan, up until it was closed in 1996.

24,291,981 $ 8.95

وزارت کار، امور اجتماعی، شهدا و معلولین

- molsamd.gov.af

Ministry of Labour,Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled (MoLSAMD) is the focal Ministry of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan mandated to work on Labour Affairs, Social Protection and Welfare and providing services for persons with disabilities and families of Martyrs.

610,275 $ 1,200.00

تارنمــای ســیاسی، فــرهنــگی، تاریخÙ

- khawaran.com

خاوران نشریهء سیاسی، فرهنگی، تاریخی و اجتماعی افغانستان

174,824 $ 39,000.00

Mashal.org political, social and cultural Afghan News Paper

- mashal.org


363,109 $ 24,300.00

ROZ Afghan News | آژانس خبری روز

- roznews.com

آژانس خبری روز :: روز بازتاب دهنده واقعت های عینی افغانستان. ROZ Afghan News www.roznews.com Designed by: Bashir Ahmad Noori

1,248,560 $ 480.00

تارنمــای ســیاسی، فــرهنــگی، تاریخــی و اجتمــاعی در بـارهء افغــانس

- bazaar.af

خاوران نشریهء سیاسی، فرهنگی، تاریخی و اجتماعی افغانستان

1,373,399 $ 480.00

Farsi.Ru - اخبار فارسی از روسيه

- farsi.ru

اخباری فارسی از روسیه

928,418 $ 1,440.00


- afghanonline.com

afghan AfghanOnline provides updated news and information on Afghanistan, Afghan culture, Afghan Music, Forum, afghan chat room, history, afghan chat room 123, politics, society, Afghan Chat, languages, greeting cards, poetry, sports, publications, afghan rivers, videos, afghan names, communities, economy, afghan tv, t

3,387,677 $ 480.00

Talafghan.com Afghan Social and cultural website

- talafghan.com
3,418,784 $ 240.00

Atompark Software Inc - Powered by Kayako Fusion Help Desk Software

- atomiccc.com

Daily English news paper Pakistan,Islamabad,Lahore,Karachi,Peshawar,Quetta,Sindh,Punjab,Baluchistan,Waziristan,Khyber,Mohmand,Kurram,Bajaur,Fata,Tribal areas,Ttp,Isi,Taliban,Afghanistan,Parachinar,Gilgit,India,Iran,Osama,Omar,Drone,sharif,Gillani,Zardari,Kiani,Ispr, afridi,Mehsud,Wazir,cricket,Altaf,Khan,chaudry,Pathan

372,770 $ 13,500.00

Afghanistan, Afghan Music, Afghan TV, Afghan History, Afghan Flags Afg

- afghanembassy.com

Afghanistan site, leading Afghan website for Afghans. Afghan Chat, Afghan Music, news, Voice chat, Forum, Discussion boards, Radio, Meet and talk with Afghans, AfghanSite provides it all!

8,756,735 $ 8.95

daylight factory

- daylightfactory.com

Daylight Factory is the production company of filmmaker James Longley, specializing in documentary films such as Iraq in Fragments, Sari's Mother and Gaza Strip concerning international subject matter, social affairs and current events. James'photography may be purchased from the artist as limited- and sinlge-edition s

23,691,127 $ 8.95

Afghan 2010 | Democracy International

- afghan2010.com

USAID-funded mission led by Democracy International to monitor the parliamentary elections in Afghanistan.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

A Rope and a Prayer

- davidrohde.com

An honest, moving, painful and riveting book about war, love, kidnapping, journalism, family and the war in Afghanistan...

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Darul-Aman Stiftung | Darul-Aman Foundation

- darul-aman.net

Die Darul-Aman Stiftung unterstützt die Demokratisierung und den Wiederaufbau des Darul-Aman-Palastes in Kabul, Afghanistans. Helfen und spenden Sie für eine frohe Zukunft der afghanischen Kinder und Jugendlichen in einem demokratischen Land.

Not Applicable $ 8.95