Jordanian Universities Websites
The University of Jordan ::
A leading university in scientific, technological, economic, social, and cultural transformation, outstanding in performing its role in the development and modernization of the Jordanian state, and a pioneer in serving the local and global community.
Mutah University :: Jordan جامعة مؤتة :: الأردن
Mutah University is a public university founded in March 22, 1981 by royal decree to be National institution of military and civilian higher education..
University of Petra | Home
Welcome to Petra University (UOP), a university where students really enjoy the opportunity to achieve their goals while developing a desire for lifelong learning.We are committed to opening up quality education to students from a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences.Located in the western part of Amman, Petra
جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية
Al- Balqa' Applied University (BAU) was founded in 1997, a distinctive state university in the field of Bachelor and Associate degree Applied Education, at the capacity of 47,500 student distributed into 32,000 at the Bachelor degree program and 15,500 at the Associate degree program.
Zarqa University
تأسست جامعة الزرقاء عام 1994م، في موقع استراتيجي، شرقي مدينة الزرقاء، وعلى بُعد ستة كيلو مترات منها، بوصفها أول جامعة خاصة في محافظة الزرقاء، بمساحة وصلت إلى ثلاثمئة وخمسين دونماً، لتكون رديفاً عضوياً للجامعات الرسمية والخاصة الأردنية في المنهج والهدف، ورافداً رئيساً لنظام التعليم العالي الأردني بمختلف غاياته وأهدافه، وقد جا
The University of Jordan :: Amman :: Jordan
The University of Jordan is both a modern as well as old institution of Higher Education in Jordan. Established in 1962, the University has, since then, applied itself to the advancement of knowledge no less than to its dissemination. In its capacity as a comprehensive teaching, research and community-service instituti
جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية
Al- Balqa' Applied University (BAU) was founded in 1997, a distinctive state university in the field of Bachelor and Associate degree Applied Education, at the capacity of 47,500 student distributed into 32,000 at the Bachelor degree program and 15,500 at the Associate degree program.
جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية
Al- Balqa' Applied University (BAU) was founded in 1997, a distinctive state university in the field of Bachelor and Associate degree Applied Education, at the capacity of 47,500 student distributed into 32,000 at the Bachelor degree program and 15,500 at the Associate degree program.
Balqa Applied University
Al- Balqa' Applied University (BAU) was founded in 1997, a distinctive state university in the field of Bachelor and Associate degree Applied Education, at the capacity of 47,500 student distributed into 32,000 at the Bachelor degree program and 15,500 at the Associate degree program.
The University of Jordan :: Amman :: Jordan
The University of Jordan is both a modern as well as old institution of Higher Education in Jordan. Established in 1962, the University has, since then, applied itself to the advancement of knowledge no less than to its dissemination. In its capacity as a comprehensive teaching, research and community-service instituti
The University of Jordan :: Amman :: Jordan
The University of Jordan is both a modern as well as old institution of Higher Education in Jordan. Established in 1962, the University has, since then, applied itself to the advancement of knowledge no less than to its dissemination. In its capacity as a comprehensive teaching, research and community-service instituti
The University of Jordan :: Aqaba :: Jordan
The University of Jordan is both a modern as well as old institution of Higher Education in Jordan. Established in 1962, the University has, since then, applied itself to the advancement of knowledge no less than to its dissemination. In its capacity as a comprehensive teaching, research and community-service instituti
أخبار الأردنية :: الجامعة الاردنية :: عمان :: الأردن
أخبار الأردنية :: الجامعة الأردنية :: عمان :: الأردن