J2ee Websites
CV dr. Fred Spiessens
This is the curriculum of dr. Fred Spiessens, a Senior Software Engineer and Secure Software Researcher, currently leading a research project on distributed trust management and secure software at TU/e Netherlands in a post-doc position
Seven Mountains - Application Deployment Portal
Users gain secure access to enterprise systems via a mix of devices
Open Enterprise Foundation (OEF)
Open Enterprise Foundation (OEF) - Use open standard,open computer,open source construct stably enterprise infrastructure。
Hardis Groupe, SSII Grenoble, SSII Lyon, SSII Paris, SSII Nantes, Lill
Hardis, SSII Grenoble, Paris, Lyon, Nantes, Lille. Développement d'applications, gestion de projet, conseils et services informatiques, cloud, infrastructure et infogérance, logiciel gestion entrepôt Reflex WMS, logiciel gestion transport Reflex TMS.
EasyEclipse is an open source Eclipse distribution.
iPROFS | Home
iPROFS is een full service internetbureau gespecialiseerd in Java, CMS, Portals en Mobile toepassingen. Wij bedenken, ontwerpen en bouwen oplossingen met een hoge return on investment.
Len | Len's blog: work, cycling, cooking and more
Len home page, blog. Cycling, cooking, J2EE, Linux experiences.
Printing Reports and Electronic Documents over the Internet | Dynalive
The Official Website of Mexi Milf and Twitter Sensation Gabby Q!
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Social Consulting Hub for IT (Information Technology) Professionals -
A meaningful network where IT Professionals consult, develop/improve the skill-set, get their competencies rated and explore new career/job opportunities.
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KickJava.com: Java API By Example, From Geeks To Geeks.
Java API By Example, From Geeks To Geeks.
Java DB
Java In-memory database delivering the power of objects integrated with a relational database and SQL92. FirstSQL/J Java DB provides real-time performance, SQL and Java Objects in the database.
Henning Sprang | EDV Beratung und Training. OpenSource Lösungen.
Henning Sprang - High Quality IT Consulting und Open Source Lösungen