PAPUREC - Zeby Polska Byla Polska!


Materials pertaining to Poland and Polish communities throughout the world.

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Filistin Zulmü.Com | İsrail, Mescid-i Aksa, Kudüs, Siyonizm, Terör


Bu sitede, Yahudiler ve Müslümanlar, Yaratıcımız ve Rabbimiz olan Allah'ı sevmeye, O'nun emirlerine uymaya, Allah'ın doğruya eriþtirmesi için dua etmeye, yeryüzüne sevgi, merhamet, barıþ getirmeye davet edilmektedirler.

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Radio Islam - The Freedom Fighter. Join the struggle against Jewish ra


Radio Islam informs in 24 languagues on Jewish power, Jewish racism and war mongering lies. Zionism, an extension of Judaism, is the most widespread form of racism known today! Radio Islam is also fighting for Freedom of Speech, the right to know the truth about the so-called 'holocaust' and the Jewish wars in Palestin

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