FootballDatabase - Club Rankings and Statistics


A football / soccer club world ranking based on the Elo rating system. Scores, standings and statistics about clubs as well as international and domestic leagues / competitions.

218,066 $ 50,220.00

What Is My MMR? - League of Legends MMR Checker (NA)


Find out your hidden MMR in League of Legends. The original site for looking up a summoner's MMR and Elo rating in ranked, normal, and ARAM.

24,062 $ 742,320.00

What Is My MMR? - League of Legends MMR Checker (EUNE)


Find out your hidden MMR in League of Legends. The original site for looking up a summoner's MMR and Elo rating in ranked, normal, and ARAM.

31,357 $ 463,680.00

WhatIsMyMMR Privacy Policy


Find out your hidden MMR in League of Legends. The original site for looking up a summoner's MMR and Elo rating in ranked, normal, and ARAM.

24,062 $ 742,320.00