

Explore the lands of the Bible, encounter their ancient cultures, and learn more of biblical archaeology. Use the resources of this site to learn how archaeology illuminates biblical text.

2,836,418 $ 480.00

The Official Peter Kreeft Site - Introduction


This site's Featured Writing about the ocean of God's love are only a few thimblefuls. For God's love is an infinite, shoreless sea we are destined to swim in, surf in, and grow in forever.

2,722,623 $ 480.00

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ÐÓÑÑÊÎÅ ÂÎÑÊÐÅÑÅÍÈÅ. Ïðàâîñëàâèå, ñàìîäåðæàâèå, íàðîäíîñòü. Ïðàâîñëàâíûé ñåðâåð: âåðîó÷åíèå, òðàäèöèÿ, ñîâðåìåííîñòü, ôîðóì, èñòîðèÿ, òàéíà áåççàêîíèÿ...

731,973 $ 1,680.00

Home (Master Group)

Not Applicable $ 8.95 - Paróquias de Portugal


Conheça todas as Paróquias com página na internet, lista completa de apontadores católicos portugueses, notícias católicas actualizadas diariamente. Participe no nosso fórum de discussão.

1,944,738 $ 720.00

Kosovo - Serbian Orthodox Church and Post-war Suffering


An official Site of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the southern Yugoslav province of Kosovo, presenting Serbian Christian spiritual and cultural tradition, life of the monasteries and the post-war suffering of the Serb Orthodox people

9,943,804 $ 240.00



OneByOne - Rochester, NY

Not Applicable $ 8.95

The Baptist Union of Great Britain : The Baptist Union


The Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB) is the Baptist family in England and Wales (there is also the Baptist Union of Wales). It is made up of churches, regional associations, the national resource centre and Baptist colleges. The Union works with others in mission locally, regionally and internationally.

1,354,336 $ 960.00



We are a Christian denomination with local churches in most of the fifty states. Stemming from the Pietist and Anabaptist movements of the eighteenth century Europe, we remain one of three historic peace churches (Quaker, Mennonite), and recognize no creed other than the careful study of the teachings of Jesus Christ a

6,071,872 $ 240.00

Welcome to Glastonbury Abbey - Glastonbury Abbey


The Official web site of Glastonbury Abbey in Somerset, UK - visitor attraction, scheduled ancient monument, Church and legendary burial place of King Arthur

3,415,592 $ 480.00



Julia Bolton Holloway, Index, Godfriends' Website, Julian, Norwich, Showing, Love, Birgitta, Sweden, Revelationes, Catherine, Siena, contexts, manuscripts, women, mystics, medieval, Friends of God, Godfriends, monasticism, laity, olive, leaf, trauma, healing, Bible, Gospel, manuscript, Anglo-Italian, studies, cultural,

4,802,818 $ 240.00



One of the longest and fastest growing mystical sites with researched information, resources, shopping, unusual, paranormal phenomena and constantly updated

7,673,184 $ 8.95 America's oldest Catholic newspaper


The Boston Pilot is a daily news Catholic newspaper based in Boston, Massachusetts, covering news and opinion about the Catholic Church and Catholic life. We carry daily news from Boston, New England, US, the Vatican, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Central and Latin America. The Boston Pilot is part of the Pilot Media Group

1,325,630 $ 960.00

Discipleship Library - Sovereignty Spanish Bible Speech Spirit-Filled


Online library for Christian discipleship resources incorporating digitized classic studies presented during the past 60 years. A generation of messages are being archived in digital format and made freely available for online training or downloading to your computer. Sovereignty Spanish Bible Speech Spirit-Filled Life

1,877,625 $ 720.00

NRB | Christian Communicators Impacting the World -


National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) is a non-partisan, international association of Christian communicators whose member organizations represent millions of listeners, viewers and readers. Our mission is to keep the doors of electronic media open for the spread of the Gospel. In addition to promoting standards of exc

937,401 $ 1,440.00

Anglican Taonga : New Zealand's Anglican News Leader


ANGLICAN TAONGA is published by the Anglican Commission on Communications and distributed to all parishes and agencies of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.

1,394,737 $ 960.00

EKMD | Startseite


Evangelische Kirche in Mitteldeutschland (EKM), Evangelical Church in Central Germany (EKM)

2,656,284 $ 480.00

Catholics United


Catholics United is a national online community of Catholics who believe strongly in our faith's call to build a society for justice and the common good. We take seriously all our Church's social and political teachings, and refuse to water down our faith in service of partisan politics.

15,457,639 $ 8.95

Home - Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia


Welcome to the official Web Site of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

2,028,581 $ 720.00



Publisher of religious books, from academic works in theology, biblical studies, religious history and reference to popular titles in spirituality, social and cultural criticism, and literature.

494,205 $ 8,280.00

The Incorporated Association of Organists (IAO)


For those who are interested in the world of the organ, whether as a performer, potential performer or listener.

Not Applicable $ 8.95