Thai Massage Melbourne | Remedial Thai Massage | Splendor Thai Massage


Splendor Thai Massage Melbourne qualified therapists in traditional remedial Thai Massage, remedial deep tissue Thai massage, remedial oil relaxation Thai massage and remedial Thai foot massage. We aim to improve all over body health and well being through Authentic Thai Massage.Improving the body's circulatory system

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Merritt Massage Yoga Life Coaching in Glenside PA


Jennifer Merritt, owner of Merritt Massage and Yoga has been providing yoga and massage to enhance health and well-being for nearly two decades! We are passionate to educate and support you in your health and wellness goals through massage therapy, yoga, ayurveda, and emotional freedom technique. | Massage and Yoga go

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Baan Puen Massage - Providing The 7 Healing Benefits of Thai Massage T


Thai massage is a form of therapeutic touch that differs in many ways from traditional massage. Instead of a massage table, you lie on a mat on the floor while the provider manipulates your body in certain ways to stimulate organs and improve flexibility.

Not Applicable $ 8.95