Eurosceptic campaign against Britain's membership of the European Unio


Europe yes, EU No. Britain's biggest non-party campaign against Britain's membership of the undemocratic European Union

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Populist Alliance - Home


Populist Alliance Party, a party that supports localism, protectionism, direct democracy and national sovereignty., 20 Ideas to implement in a post-EU economy......., Populist Party, Populist Party. What we stand for!

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Dissident Congress


Anti EU movement promoting the populist patriotic cause. We are opposed to immigration and multiculturalism because they are destroying British culture and identity. One of our biggest concerns is the threat to free speech and freedom of expression by heavy handed political correctness. Economically, we oppose globalis

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ODISEUS - Homepage


ODISEUS (Organization for the Dismantling of the EU and its Systems)

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Movement for a Free Europe - Homepage


ODISEUS (Organization for the Dismantling of the EU and its Systems)

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Brexit Networking Community

- is the home of Brexit lovers and networking place for like minded people. We welcome anti EU views, distrust of the EU is highest in Greece, Cyprus, Austria, France and Germany, the United Kingdom (UK) and the Czech Republic.

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