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Launching Soon! . When you need fresh ideas and sound advice, turn to the expert with years of experience and a name you can trust. I’ll be there for you every step of the way.

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Home | Christian Medical Outreach Lebanon


Christian Medical Outreach Lebanon. The fourth of August two thousand and twenty. It is a sunny evening in Beirut during “the golden hour”. The sun starts to go down. People relax and enjoy their social life after a long, hot day at work. It is the first day of going out after five days of lock down, due to the increas

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Home | Shutter Shot


Where Creativity Lives. Graphic Design. Print Design. Good Design. Deep Sarkar.

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Home | Vishesh Kumar



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Home | Börsenguide


Finanzielles Wachstum durch Wissen.

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Home | Daihizan Syoboji


大悲山 正法寺. 天福元年(1233年)に比叡山の僧徹円阿闍梨により源義朝の乳兄弟で家臣である鎌田正清の供養のために建立されました。鎌田正清は、平治の乱(1159年)に敗れ、源義朝と東国に逃れる際、知多郡野間に舅である長田忠致を頼って身を寄せるも、義朝とともに謀殺されました。正清の妻は、父の手により殺された夫の死を悲しみ,その刀をとって自害しています。当山は鎌田政清の居城跡であり、境内地内に正清とその妻の墓所があります。本尊の毘沙門天像は政清の念持仏です。

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Home | Physpace


Made to Work. There's more to a great machine than clever engineering. It has to be robust, reliable, and make your life a little bit easier. Like me, it won't let you down.

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