Canadian Lawyer Directory & Legal Information | FindLaw Canada

-, a Thomson Reuters business, provides trusted legal information, news and blogs as well as profiles of lawyers and law firms across Canada who can help you with your legal problem.

300,633 $ 29,700.00

Health Care | FindLaw Canada


Articles on patient rights, critical and long-term care, medical negligence, hospital policies, and social assistance.

326,625 $ 27,540.00

Human Rights | FindLaw Canada


Information on what constitutes discrimination, how to file a human rights complaint, hate crimes, equal rights, and much more.

326,625 $ 27,540.00

Immigration Law | FindLaw Canada


This section covers issues such as becoming a citizen, obtaining a student visa, sponsoring a spouse or relative, deportation, applying as a refugee, and what to know as a temporary foreign worker.

326,625 $ 27,540.00

Personal Injury | FindLaw Canada


This section covers a wide range of maladies stemming from events such as traffic accidents, slip-and-falls, assaults, abuse, negligence, defective products and animal attacks.

326,625 $ 27,540.00

Property Law | FindLaw Canada


Property law covers a number of areas, including: buying or selling a house; landlord / tenant rights; mortgages and foreclosures; insurance; tax, and disputes between neighbours.

326,625 $ 27,540.00

Tax Law | FindLaw Canada


Detailed information on filing your return, claiming exemptions, taking advantage of deductions, dealing with an audit, avoiding tax issues, and getting legal help with your taxes.

326,625 $ 27,540.00

Traffic Law | FindLaw Canada


The rights of motorists in relation to things including: speeding violations; distracted driving; DUIs; roadside stops; arrests; traffic accidents; car insurance; and buying and selling a vehicle.

326,625 $ 27,540.00

Life Events | FindLaw Canada


An array of legal information articles, indexed by Life Events, to easily help you get the knowledge you need to tackle the problem or circumstance.

326,625 $ 27,540.00

Applying for Citizenship | FindLaw Canada


Information on becoming a citizen, obtaining a student visa, sponsoring a spouse or relative, fighting a deportation order, applying as a refugee, or as a temporary foreign worker.

326,625 $ 27,540.00

Bankruptcy | FindLaw Canada


Information on what bankruptcy is, the differences between personal and business bankruptcy, and answers to other common questions.

326,625 $ 27,540.00

Been in an Accident | FindLaw Canada


This section has articles covering every step of the legal process surrounding injuries and the laws that cover them.

326,625 $ 27,540.00

Buying or Selling a House | FindLaw Canada


This section provides information on purchasing a house, condo, or retail space, land rights, property taxes, mortgages, and foreclosures.

326,625 $ 27,540.00

DUI | FindLaw Canada


If you've been charged with a DUI, you need to consider your position very carefully as the penalties can be severe.

326,625 $ 27,540.00

Getting a Divorce | FindLaw Canada


Information on court proceedings, financial settlements and orders, child maintenance, custody of the children, and alternative dispute resolution such as mediation.

326,625 $ 27,540.00

Getting Married | FindLaw Canada


Legal information on getting married, common-law arrangements, pre-nuptial agreements and information about children of the relationship.

326,625 $ 27,540.00

Internet & Social Media | FindLaw Canada


Articles that will help you decide when it is and is not safe to give out personal information online, as well as the steps you can take to avoid online scammers.

326,625 $ 27,540.00

Lost a Job | FindLaw Canada


If you have resigned, been fired, or are being subjected to a layoff, this section can provide tips on severance pay, non-competition agreements, wrongful termination claims, and much more.

326,625 $ 27,540.00

Paying Taxes | FindLaw Canada


Detailed information on filing your return, claiming exemptions, taking advantage of deductions, dealing with an audit, avoiding tax issues, and getting legal help with your taxes.

326,625 $ 27,540.00

Small Business | FindLaw Canada


Information for small businesses and entrepreneurs including: incorporation, choosing a name, obtaining financing, hiring employees, choosing the right insurance policies, and filing taxes.

326,625 $ 27,540.00

Traffic Violations | FindLaw Canada


Information and legal tips on fighting traffic tickets, traffic violations and how an offence will impact your driving record.

326,625 $ 27,540.00