Al Quds Community Action Center - Home


Al Quds Community Action Center (Champion of Rights in the Old City)Take a right turn from El Wad Street in the heart of the Old City onto the historic Al Khanda Suq and you will walk into the glass “storefront” of the Al Quds Community Center. High stone arches divide this historic building into a multi-arcade space r

121,866 $ 98,400.00

Al-Quds University Admission - صفحة القبول - جامعة القدس


صفحة القبول - جامعة القدس

120,399 $ 99,600.00

Said Khoury Information Technology Center of Excellence - Home


The Said Khoury Information Technology Center of Excellence operates at local and national levels to provide high quality and effective training for students as well as practitioners in the field of information technology. It also facilitates training provided by other organizations. SKITCE has an excellent software un

120,399 $ 99,600.00