华清宫(华清池·骊山) - 长恨歌,1212西安事变,西安旅游,陕西旅游,杨贵妃,唐文化

- hqc.cn

华清宫距西安30公里, 南依骊山,北面渭水。是中国著名的文化旅游景区,国家首批AAAAA级旅游景区,全国重点文物保护单位.与“世界第八大奇迹”兵马俑毗邻, 周、秦、汉、隋、唐等历代帝王在此建有离宫别苑。 华清宫因其亘古不变的温泉资源、烽火戏诸侯的历史典故、唐明皇与杨贵妃的爱情故事、“西安事变”发生地而享誉海内外,成为中国唐文化旅游标志性景区。长恨歌来陕西旅游必看实景演出,1212西安事变还原80年前的真实历史,华清御汤帝王尊享。陕西旅游热门首选!

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Huaqing Palace (Huaqing Pool• Mountain Li) – The song of Everlasting S

- en.hqc.cn

Huaqing Palace (Huaqing Pool• Mountain Li) is located 30 km’s away from the east of Xi'an city, adjacent to Terra-Cotta Warriors, the well-known “Eighth Wonder of the World”. Ancient emperors of Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui and Tang Dynasties built palaces in this site. With a number of top attractions, like the major hot sprin

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