Atvinnuþróunarfélag Eyjafjarðar


Atvinnuþróunarfélag Eyjafjarðar miðar að því að bæta samkeppnishæfni, búsetuskilyrði og aðdráttarafl Eyjafjarðarsvæðisins. Þessum markmiðum hyggst félagið

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Arctic Open - a true golfing adventure under the midnight sun


A game of midnight golf seems an unlikely prospect to many enthusiasts and few golfers have experienced this delight. But now you have a novel opportunity

21,035,653 $ 8.95

Arctic Services: Industrial & technical service providers in Akureyri,


Arctic Services is a platform for industrial & technical services providers in North Iceland promoting high service for those involved in exploration, oil

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Eyjafjarðarsveit Norðurland - North Iceland


Það er rekinn öflugur landbúnaður í Eyjafjarðarsveit og meðal annars er að finna í sveitarfélaginu eitt stærsta mjólkurframleiðslubú landsins. Nálægðin

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Grímsey |


Grímsey er græn, grösug og einstaklega gjöful eyja: Útvörðurinn í norðri með auðug fiskimið og litríkt fuglalíf. Frægust er Grímsey trúlega í hugum

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Geothermal Training Programme


The Geothermal Training Programme (GTP) is operated within Orkustofnun (The National Energy Authority of Iceland). Orkustofnun became an Associated

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Súlur | Björgunarsveitin á Akureyri


Súlur Björgunarsveit

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Landsmót hestamanna


Landsmót hestamanna 2011

20,941,436 $ 8.95

Reykjavík Geothermal


RG was founded in Iceland by a proven team of experienced geothermal experts. RG management has been directly responsible for projects in over 30 countries

16,396,146 $ 8.95

Reykjavík Geothermal


RG was founded in Iceland by a proven team of experienced geothermal experts. RG management has been directly responsible for projects in over 30 countries

Not Applicable $ 8.95