Miranda NG - Next Generation of Miranda IM

- miranda-ng.org

Miranda NG is a successor of a popular multi-protocol instant messaging client for Windows - Miranda IM. Very light on system resources and extremely fast.

1,668,506 $ 720.00

Most downloaded addons (for last week) - Miranda NG

- addons.miranda-ng.org

Miranda NG is a successor of a popular multi-protocol instant messaging client for Windows - Miranda IM. Very light on system resources and extremely fast.

2,193,603 $ 480.00

Version information - Miranda NG

- vi.miranda-ng.org

Miranda NG is a successor of a popular multi-protocol instant messaging client for Windows - Miranda IM. Very light on system resources and extremely fast.

2,193,603 $ 480.00

Miranda NG

- wiki.miranda-ng.org
2,193,603 $ 480.00

Miranda NG Official Community Forum - Index

- forum.miranda-ng.org

Miranda NG Official Community Forum - Index

2,193,603 $ 480.00