Get Into Rugby


Picking up a Rugby ball for the first time or teaching players with no experience? In this section you'll find the resources you need. Develop your players' skills, build their understanding of the Game and experience the unique ethos of Rugby. Stay involved for years to come. Rugby offers a lifetime of camaraderie. In

122,896 $ 97,800.00

World Rugby Player Welfare - Putting Players First

122,896 $ 97,800.00

Rugby Ready - World Rugby's preparation resource : Home


Be fully prepared to play Rugby. Understand good practice and manage the inherent risks of a contact sport by putting appropriate safeguards in place

122,896 $ 97,800.00

World Rugby Coaching : The home of Rugby coaching on the web


The home of Rugby coaching on the web. Online learning, technical content, monthly newsletter and more.

122,896 $ 97,800.00

Keep Rugby Onside - World Rugby's Anti-Corruption Web Site


World Rugby's Anti-Corruption web site. Stay informed about Anti-corruption Regulations by taking our online quiz.

122,896 $ 97,800.00