
- bindt.org

The Institute’s aim is to promote the advancement of the science and practice of non-destructive testing (NDT), condition monitoring (CM), diagnostic engineering and all other materials and quality testing disciplines.

1,365,813 $ 960.00

Home | Dresser-Rand

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Dresser-Rand is a global supplier of rotating equipment solutions to the oil, gas, petrochemical, power, and process industries.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Kuwait National Petroleum Company

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Kuwait National Petroleum Company is one of the world’s top refiners. Currently it has two refineries, Mina Abdullah and Mina Al-Ahmadi, with total production capacity of 690,000 bpd. It also has gas liquefaction facilities with 2.5 billion SCFPD capacity.

1,587,112 $ 720.00

Kuwait National Petroleum Company

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Kuwait National Petroleum Company is one of the world’s top refiners. Currently it has two refineries, Mina Abdullah and Mina Al-Ahmadi, with total production capacity of 690,000 bpd. It also has gas liquefaction facilities with 2.5 billion SCFPD capacity.

193,986 $ 61,800.00

Babcock & Wilcox | Transforming Our World For 150 Years

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Established in 1867, Babcock & Wilcox is a global leader in energy and environmental technologies and services for power and industrial markets worldwide.

483,035 $ 8,640.00

BEDigest.com – the latest MENA oil, gas, economy and business news

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A website covering the latest petroleum, economic and business news of the MENA region.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Gulf Publishing Company

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Leading publisher to the oil & gas industry. Our magazines, safety & training videos, engineering software and catalogs help people involved in energy industries keep current with information important to their field and allow advertisers to reach their customers

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Your Petrochemical News

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Global leading international Petrochemical news website focusing on industry and project information.

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IHS Inc.

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46,394 $ 179,280.00

WTRG Economics -OPEC, crude oil, natural gas, analysis, forecasts and

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Oil and gas consulting. Oil price and OPEC history pages, forecasts of crude oil prices, rotary rig count and workover rig count

1,980,770 $ 720.00

Department Of Petroleum Resources (DPR)

- dprnigeria.com

NDJ World - Keeps You Connected!: The World's Leading Global News Site

494,367 $ 4,680.00

Excellence in Elements | Elementar

- elementar.de

CHNOS Elementaranalysatoren, Stabilisotopenanalysatoren (IRMS) und Optische Emissionsspektrometer (OES) vom führenden Hersteller Elementar. Jetzt informieren!

4,827,944 $ 240.00

FTIPC :: Petrochemical Industry Club The Federation of Thai Industries

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FTIPC :: Petrochemical Industry Club The Federation of Thai IndustriesFTIPC :: Petrochemical Industry Club The Federation of Thai Industries

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Eberbach Labtools - Mixing | Blending | Stirring | Shaking

- eberbachlabtools.com

Eberbach Labtools manufactures a complete range of laboratory equipment including orbital shakers, vortex shakers, reciprocal shakers, lab stirrers, overhead mixers, homogenizers, lab blenders and microscope slide storage.

3,234,905 $ 480.00

ISIF - Welcome to the styrene forum

- styreneforum.org

Styrene Forum

27,334,303 $ 8.95

Sypris Solutions, Inc.

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Not Applicable $ 8.95

2B1st Consulting

- 2b1stconsulting.com

2B1st Consulting experts trace Oil and Gas and Petrochemical projects and scan their content. We publish daily news, projects descriptions and technical notes.

1,050,875 $ 1,200.00

Plant Industry - Plant Korea

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A global B2B network and marketplace for industrial plant. Plant Korea continuously pursuing common prosparity with global plant industry.

657,646 $ 1,200.00

Refining News, Petrochemical, Oil & Gas, Industrial Services, Downstre

- bicmagazine.com

North America's largest multi-industry, multi-departmental energy publication, featuring refining news, downstream news and information on petrochemical projects and expansions.

324,921 $ 27,540.00

Stainless Steel World - for CRA professionals

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Stainless Steel World is the leading knowledge and networking platform for CRA (Corrosion Resistant Alloy) professionals from the global process industries.

236,088 $ 37,800.00

VibroTek, Inc. Systems for vibration measurements, condition monitorin

- vibrotek.com

On-line and off line systems for condition monitoring, automatic condition diagnostics and long-term prediction, field balancing.

8,067,398 $ 8.95