- walga.asn.au

As the peak industry body, The WA Local Government Association advocates on behalf of 138 Local Governments & negotiates service agreements for the sector.

1,178,909 $ 960.00

Family Care International-Homepage

- familycareintl.org

Family Care International works to improve maternal health in developing countries.

3,356,136 $ 240.00

William Fry - Ireland's leading corporate law firm

- williamfry.ie

William Fry – Ireland’s leading corporate law firm, commercial law firm and tax experts. Expertise in mergers and acquisitions, property and construction including NAMA, banking and finance, tax consultancy, and general corporate and commercial business law

1,139,360 $ 720.00

Live United | United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jers

- uwsepa.org

Across Greater Philadelphia, Southern New Jersey, and Southeastern Pennsylvania, people are learning to live united from The United Way

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Cyprus Yellow Pages

- cyprusyellowpages.com

Cyprus Yellow Pages,hotels,travel,real estate,accountants,importers,doctors,entertainment,restaurants,clubs,land,hills,companies,services,information on industry retail markets to advertise businesses

2,546,924 $ 480.00


- beeradvocate.com

Your go-to resource for beer and hosts of world-class beer events. Respect Beer.

43,674 $ 333,360.00

Cyprus Yellow Pages

- cyprusyellowpages.com.cy

Cyprus Yellow Pages,hotels,travel,real estate,accountants,importers,doctors,entertainment,restaurants,clubs,land,hills,companies,services,information on industry retail markets to advertise businesses

6,691,113 $ 8.95

Breast Cancer Network Australia Homepage

- bcna.org.au

Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) works to ensure a better journey for all Australians affected by breast cancer.

881,462 $ 1,440.00

Children's Mental Health Ontario

- kidsmentalhealth.ca

Children's Mental Health Ontario promotes environments that support positive mental health and quality children's mental health services.

2,041,247 $ 240.00

موقع محامو المملكة

- mohamoon-ksa.com

اكبر موسوعة للأنظمة بالسعودية والتي تشمل ملفات قانونية متخصصة و اتفاقيات ومواثيق وبروتكولات و أحكام قضائية وأنظمة العمل والعمال وكذلك دليل المحامين وموضوعات أخرى كثيرة متعلقة بالأنظمة والقوانين في المملكة العربية السعودية

500,279 $ 2,400.00

Leadership for a Changing World (leadershipforchange.org)

- leadershipforchange.org

An awards program that recognizes and supports community leaders across America who are effectively tackling tough social issues.

8,998,384 $ 8.95

United Way of Greater Cincinnati | Live United

- uwgc.org

United Way of Greater Cincinnati is a nonprofit that helps people live their best lives by harnessing the compassion and resources of the community.

757,855 $ 1,680.00


- supremecourtcaselaw.com
3,210,860 $ 480.00

Asia Pacific |

- jrsap.org

The Jesuit Refugee Service is an international Catholic NGO which serves, accompanies and advocates on behalf of refugees and other forcibly displaced persons, providing education, healthcare, social and other specialised services.

9,123,851 $ 8.95

The Advocate | Welcome

- the-advocate.ca

The Advocate was established in 1943, is published six times each year by the Vancouver Bar Association and is an invaluable resource for legal scholars throughout British Columbia, Canada

14,773,628 $ 8.95

Find Lawyers | Advocates | Legal Service in India - AdvocateKhoj

- advocatekhoj.in

A free platform to find good lawyers or advocates in your area for all your legal needs. Also provides law college information, legal news and resources.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Lilith Magazine

- lilith.org

Independent, Jewish & frankly feminist since 1976, Lilith magazine charts Jewish women’s lives with exuberance, rigor, affection, subversion and style.

1,560,711 $ 720.00

Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel - Your Residential Utility Consu

- pickocc.org

The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel (OCC), the residential utility consumer advocate, represents the interests of 4.5 million households in proceedings before state and federal regulators and in the courts. The state agency also educates consumers about electric, natural gas, telephone and water issues.

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Advocate: Finding free legal help from barristers

- barprobono.org.uk

Advocate: Finding free legal help from barristers

Not Applicable $ 8.95

Women's Law Center of Maryland

- wlcmd.org

The Women's Law Center of Maryland serves as a leading voice for justice and fairness for women. Our mission is to ensure the physical safety, economic security

Not Applicable $ 8.95